Please contact me via Whatsapp: 0769449955 (queries answered during business hours Mon – Sat). Leave a voice note or message rather than calling me please. I don’t have my phone with me all the time and messages provide me with an instant record of queries and makes it easier for me to work through them.
Theron Books is a small private bookshop based in Kakamas managed by De Wet Theron. Browse at your leisure, order something (or don’t) and if you run into any hiccups please email or send a Whatsapp to 0769449955 and I’ll help you along. All orders are shipped with either PEP’s Paxi drop-and-collect parcel service, Pudo’s similar but faster locker collect system or The Courier Guy for door-to-door deliveries. See Shipping page for more details.
If you’re ever in the Kakamas area, a fair selection of my stock can be browsed at the lovely Pienk Padstal.
Description of Book Condition:
New – Brand new and unread book
As New – A secondhand book that can easily pass for a new one
Very Good – Book is in great condition with only a minor blemish here and there
Good – Book shows visible reading wear but nothing serious
Fair – Book shows clear and more significant wear, especially on the cover, but is still solid and intact
Worn – Book shows severe wear and tear while still being intact (commonly known as a “reading copy”)
I don’t sell books in any worse condition than this.
Kontak my asseblief met ‘n boodskap op Whatsapp: 0769449955 (ek beantwoord navrae gedurende besigheidsure Ma – Sat). Los vir my ‘n stem- of teksboodskap eerder as om te bel asseblief. Ek het nie heeldag my foon langs my nie en boodskappe gee vir my ‘n rekord van u navraag en maak dit makliker om deur navrae te werk wanneer ek tyd het.
Theron Books is ‘n klein private boekwinkel in Kakamas wat deur De Wet Theron bestuur word. Kyk rustig rond, bestel iets (of nie) en as jy vashaak of sukkel, email my by of stuur ‘n Whatsapp na 0769449955 en ek help jou met graagte. Alle bestellings word met of PEP se Paxi laai-af-en-gaan-haal pakkiediens OF Pudo se soortgelyke maar vinniger locker-stelsel OF The Courier Guy vir deur-tot-deur aflewerings gestuur. Sien die Shipping blad vir meer besonderhede.
Indien jy ooit in Kakamas kom, ‘n gedeelte van my boekvoorraad is by die lieflike Pienk Padstal beskikbaar.
Beskrywing van boeke se toestand:
Nuut – ‘n Nuwe, ongeleesde boek
Soos Nuut – ‘n Tweedehandse boek wat nog maklik vir ‘n nuwe een kan deurgaan
Baie Goed – Die boek wys minimale verweer
Goed – Die boek wys sigbare verweer, maar niks ernstigs nie
Redelik – Die boek wys duidelike leesverweer, veral op die omslag, maar is steeds stewig en heel
Verweerd – Die boek wys ernstige verweer, maar is steeds heel en heeltemal leesbaar (ons noem dit ‘n “leeskopie”)
Ek verkoop nie boeke wat in ‘n swakker toestand as dit is nie.
Shop by Category
New In
Field Guide to the Wildflowers of South Africa – John ManningR220.00
Complete Photographic Field Guide Birds of Southern Africa – Ian Sinclair & Peter RyanR200.00
Guide to Grasses of South Africa – Frits van OudtshoornR120.00
Die Bybel vir Kinders – Lux VerbiR110.00
The Sunburnt Queen – Hazel CramptonR150.00
The Owl House – Anne EmslieR230.00
A Century of Geological Endeavour in Southern Africa 1895-1995 – C. R. Annhaeusser (Editor)R380.00
Somer – Karen KingsburyR60.00
Sononder – Karen KingsburyR60.00
Glass Houses – Louise PennyR60.00
Rassie: Stories oor Rugby en die Lewe – Rassie Erasmus & David O’SullivanR110.00
Jock van die Bosveld – Sir Percy FitzpatrickR55.00