Vorster’s Africa – Al J. Venter
Friendship and Frustration
One of the most diffcult tasks facing any writer covering the Southern African scenario during these unstable times is keeping pace with developments. Thus writing Vorster’s Africa — Friendship and Frustration was certainly one of Al Venter’s most agonizing tasks in recent years.
During the writing, which covered several months, there were big changes in policy by several governments in the sub-continent, not least in South Africa itself. South West Africa, it was declared by Mr Vorster, would be independent by the end of 1978 and, following the visit by Dr Henry Kissinger, Rhodesia chose a road out of the 11-year impasse which followed UDI in November, 1965. On several occasions he was obliged to re-write entire chapters; the Soweto disturbances did not make matters any easier. Barring major developments in the immediate future, the picture presented in this work should hold for some time to come.
No matter what Ian Smith, Vorster, Kissinger, Robert Mugabe or any of the other Rhodesian participants might say or do, the war in Rhodesia is likely to go on, and, in all probability, intensify during 1977. The same equation holds for South West Africa, with Cuban and MPLA forces providing solid military support for Swapo’s radical military wing. This book was written with most of these facets in mind.
While Venter does not concentrate on conditions in South Africa he has dealt largely with cross-border issues which have had relevance to conditions in South Africa over the past year or more. In this he presents a fascinating picture of developments which are likely to mould policy in Southern Africa in the immediate future. This book is a must for anyone concerned with the future of the Sub-Continent.