Eye of the Firestorm – Roland de Vries
Rare out of print book
For his battlefield exploits and tactical astuteness, Roland de Vries has rightfully been called the “Rommel of the SADF” In this forthright, warts-and-all but compassionate autobiography – crammed with fascinating military detail, yet unashamedly emotional he recounts the fascinating story of the transformation of a small, colonial army into, pound-for-pound, the best fighting force on the planet.
After assimilating the principles of such diverse military geniuses as Napoleon, Sun Tzu, Heinz Guderian and Boer general, Christiaan de Wet, he and a band of daring young commanders tossed aside military textbooks and developed their owl) doctrine of Mobile Warfare, South African-style.
De Vries’s career bracketed the 22-year Border War and is irrevocably interwoven with the machine he helped create — the incomparable Ratel Infantry Vehicle – and his beloved regiment, the renowned 61 Mech, as they are channelled through the funnel of history towards a final, climactic showdown against overwhelming odds in the mud and dust of southern Angola near village called Cuito Cuanavale …